kick upstairs


kick upstairs 的定义

v. 动词 verb
  1. informal to promote to a nominally higher but effectively powerless position

kick upstairs 近义词

v. 动词 verb

give a promotion

kick upstairs 的近义词 2
kick upstairs 的反义词 2

更多kick upstairs例句

  1. When fathers hold and play with their children, oxytocin and prolactin kick in, priming them for bonding.
  2. Eventually, Weirich had to kick out her jacuzzi and plants from her sunroom, where she now holds court.
  3. Upstairs, in the living room, splintered logs of hemlock cackled and spat from inside the wood stove.
  4. Ramone, who turned to religion while trying to kick drugs, would probably approve (and laugh a little, too).
  5. Keith Green finds Ramone at the Chelsea, trying to kick heroin for good.
  6. The latter trod on the toes of the former, whereupon the former threatened to "kick out of the cabin" the latter.
  7. The governor went upstairs and found Juan de Messa in the hall.
  8. The Professor put down his cards without a word, and left the room, going straight upstairs.
  9. And with that the host gave him such a kick as sent him howling into the street, amidst the roars of the company.
  10. I knowed, a-course, that I could go kick up a fuss when Simpson stopped by his office on his trip back from Goldstone.